BP Beth Park (Newington Communications) Chair
PB Phil Briscoe (Newington Communications) Secretary
MA Mark Afford (Crouch End Conservation Area Advisory Committee)
DB Cllr Dawn Barnes (Haringey Council)
EB Eleanor Brooks (Make Architects)
AC Amanda Carrara (Crouch End Festival)
LCH Cllr Luke Cawley-Harrison (Haringey Council)
SC Susan Cooper (Resident Representative)
CC Chris Currer (Crouch End Festival)
KG Katy Ghahremani (Make Architects)
DH Dean Hermitage (Haringey Council)
SK Sharon Kean (Weston and Haringey Park Residents’ Association)
SL Scott Lau (Far East Consortium)
TP Cllr Tammy Palmer (Haringey Council)
MP Miranda Pattinson (Resident Representative)
JP Joe Pitt (Ardmore Construction)
NP Nick Poon (Far East Consortium)
LS Liz Sich (Hornsey Town Hall Trust)
AW Angela Walsh (Far East Consortium)
Apologies: Graeme Jennings (Hornsey Town Hall Trust)
Simon Neil (Haringey Council)
Piers Read (The Time + Space Co.)
Ruth Selig (Weston and Haringey Park Residents’ Association)
Kathy Smith (Weston and Haringey Park Residents’ Association)
1 – Virtual Meeting Procedure
1.1 BP thanked everyone for joining the meeting and noted it was the first to take place virtually, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. She outlined the virtual meeting procedure and made everyone aware that the meeting was being recorded, for minute-taking purposes only.
2 – Attendance
2.1 BP read through the list of expected attendees, to confirm who was in attendance.
3 – Reintroducing the Construction Steering Group
3.1 BP noted that this was the first meeting to have taken place for some time, owing to the suspension of face-to-face meetings as a result of COVID-19. She therefore asked PB to remind members of the purpose of the Construction Steering Group (CSG).
3.2 PB explained that the CSG provides a two-way channel for communication between the construction delivery group and local community stakeholders. The construction delivery group itself is made up of Far East Consortium (FEC), Ardmore, Make, and Time + Space Co., who between them will oversee and deliver the HTH development.
3.3 PB added that the meetings are held on a regular basis to facilitate this two-way conversation and to focus on specific elements of the project. As the construction delivery team had to pause these meetings over the last few weeks, the current meeting’s purpose was to get communications back on track.
3.4 PB offered to share the Terms of Reference, which details the purpose of the CSG, to those who did not already have a copy.
4 – Update from Ardmore Construction
4.1 JP explained that Ardmore had been back in operation at the Hornsey Town Hall site for around four weeks, having previously paused their works as a result of COVID-19. He noted that the extension of working hours recently approved by Haringey Council (08.00-21.00) was to stagger work and avoid overcrowding on transport networks at peak times. These measures would better enable Ardmore staff to socially distance.
4.2 JP detailed some of the works taking place at the moment, such as the laying of concrete for Block A, which they are beginning to build up vertically. Ardmore is also undertaking the remaining work in the Town Hall to ensure it is ready for construction; for example, they have been removing the final pieces of asbestos and cleaning the floorspace. On the Broadway annex, some older walls are also being replaced to meet fire safety standards.
4.3 In addition, Ardmore are working with infrastructure providers, such as the electricity board and BT, to prepare the site for installations.
4.4 BP asked JP if he could expand on the changes to construction hours. She noted that a letter explaining this had been issued to CSG members. However, it would be worth providing more detail for those who had not yet read it.
4.5 JP said that the construction site is currently operating at around 50% capacity to enable social distancing. It is vital that Ardmore adheres to Government guidance on this matter and therefore it is difficult to run the site at full capacity.
4.6 Furthermore, if everyone was to start and finish work at the same time, it would put pressure on the transport network. The extended hours allow for staggered starts and finishes to take account of this. Operations on site are also staggered so that they can be undertaken safely.
4.7 JP confirmed that the new working hours on site are between 8.00-21.00 Monday to Saturday, and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
4.8 TP noted that as a ward councillor, she had received some complaints from residents about work taking place after 18.00, as they were not aware of the extension to construction hours. She added that she understands the need to work longer hours to enable social distancing, but those whose properties closely border the construction site would be affected. Therefore, what engagement is being undertaken with residents on the matter?
4.9 JP replied that Ardmore takes into account that the site is on the edge of a residential area and that they are very careful in selecting which works take place when. He added that he was aware of complaints from the previous evening, relating to the crane being in operation after 18.00, in order to move one tonne bags and backfill the ground. He noted that the noise created was not excessive and that Ardmore is making every effort to minimise such disruption.
4.10 BP addressed TP’s query on engagement, explaining that shortly after the request to extend hours of construction was approved by Haringey Council, a letter detailing this was issued to the CSG. Furthermore, a letter is being issued to neighbouring residents to notify them of the changes and will include contact details for construction enquiries. A wider community newsletter will also be distributed, which will contain this information.
4.11 JP added that he had verbal communication on the matter with the spokesperson for the residents of Weston Park, whose homes are closest to where the crane is located. He confirmed that Ardmore is working hard to communicate changes as soon as possible.
4.12 MA asked whether the pause in construction on site, as a result of COVID-19, had impacted on timescales for completion. JP noted that contractually, Ardmore is committed to mitigating against any impact. The extension to construction hours will go some way in addressing this, and they are making every effort to get as close as possible to their target completion dates. Indeed, additional measures are being introduced to accommodate a larger workforce and ensure that social distancing can be upheld, as safety is paramount.
4.13 LS asked whether any design changes are being considered in response to the COVID-19 situation. JP and NP confirmed that it is still the intention to deliver the consented plans. LS then asked whether any changes to guidelines would be addressed. NP agreed this would be the case and cited Ardmore’s recent procedures as an example of how the construction delivery team can adapt quickly to changing circumstances.
4.14 MA asked if FEC would revise some of the consented plans if there are issues with viability. NP responded that there is no intention to change the plans, as the team has worked hard to create a high-quality scheme.
4.15 LCH asked whether there would be an increase in traffic movements as a result of workers not taking public transport to work, and as a result of the extension to construction hours beyond 18.00. He also asked for more clarity on Ardmore’s agreement with Haringey Council, regarding what level of noise is permitted after 18.00, and what steps Haringey Council are taking to ensure noise from the site after 18.00 is fair to residents.
4.16 JP addressed LCH’s query regarding traffic movements, noting that although Ardmore has provided some car parking within footprint of the Town Hall for their workers, it is not excessive. Furthermore, they are promoting walking and cycling to site.
4.17 Regarding extended hours of deliveries, JP clarified that there may be extensions within their standard hours of 8.00-18.00, but there is no intention for deliveries to be arranged for after this time. For example, prior to the disruption caused by COVID-19, Ardmore usually stopped loading lorries at around 16.30. However, as they are staggering operations, some of this activity could now take place until around 18.00.
4.18 DH responded to LCH’s second question, explaining that the ministerial statement issued by Government, which advises construction be permitted up until 21.00, doesn’t absolve developers from commitments to do with noise. For example, legislation relating to statutory nuisance is still in place. Indeed, DH has been talking daily with Haringey Council’s Environmental Protection Officer to monitor complaints and has requested that they attend the next CSG meeting.
4.19 LCH noted that the extension of hours is in place until May 2021. He asked whether this might be extended or minimised to account for changes to the Government’s approach to social distancing.
4.20 DH responded that this was a question for the Government, as they set the guidelines. JP agreed with DH and added that the Ardmore team would like to get back to normality as soon as they can, as they all have families, who they wish to spend time with.
4.21 LCH added that Ardmore had previously held ‘Meet the Builder’ events and suggested they undertake another, via Zoom, as an opportunity to address residents’ concerns. JP agreed that this was a good idea.
4.22 TP asked DH if residents can make a noise complaint if they believe noise to be excessive, and whether a certain number of complaints could lead to a review of the extended hours. She asked what the Government’s position is on this, as councillors need to know how best to respond to their residents on the matter.
4.23 DH responded to TP, stating that the Government guidance on the extension of construction hours is not particularly detailed. However, the guidance only relates to planning legislation, which attaches conditions to limit the hours of construction. It doesn’t cover other legislation, such as statutory nuisance, which comes under section 61 of the Environmental Protection Act. Therefore, notwithstanding the volume of complaints, action can be taken to address the issue according to circumstance. DH reassured that he is speaking with the Council’s noise specialist officer every day to share information on the subject.
4.24 TP thanked DH for his comments. She added that she would like DH and JP to share this knowledge with councillors where possible, so that they can deal with complaints properly and refer people to the right department at the Council.
5 – Update from Far East Consortium
5.1 AW updated members on progress at Hornsey Town Hall from a sales and marketing viewpoint. She noted that the sales office is due to reopen shortly and therefore FEC are working to put safety procedures and signage in place. In the meantime, virtual viewings have been underway and have been successful. She added that all purchasers had been made aware of any changes to timescales.
5.2 LS asked how the ‘lockdown’, introduced by Government as a result of COVID-19, had impacted the sales programme. AW responded that there was still a good level of interest and that FEC had completed on a number of exchanges during the lockdown period.
5.3 AW added that the experience of agents across London is that sales enquiries are increasing significantly now lockdown measures are being eased. The lockdown has also led some people to question whether where they live is suitable. These people could be more inclined to move to somewhere like the Hornsey Town Hall development, which will offer plenty of attractive outdoor space and apartments with balconies.
5.4 LS asked if there was any update on the status of the former Middeys restaurant, located to the front of Hornsey Town Hall. AW said that there was no news at the moment but hopefully FEC will be able to provide an update at the next CSG meeting. DH added that he had no news on the matter but could raise an enquiry with the Haringey Council property team.
6 – Date of next meeting
6.1 BP said that, as per the Terms of Reference, the CSG meetings would now be taking place on a bi-monthly basis. Therefore, the next meeting is due to take place in August.
7 – Any other business
7.1 SC noted that she had requested the minutes from the previous meeting, but had not yet received them. She also asked that the next agenda be circulated in advance, with the first item being to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. BP agreed to send SC a copy of the previous meeting minutes immediately after the meeting. She also agreed that, going forward, the minutes will be ratified at the beginning of each meeting.
7.2 LCH asked whether there is a mailing list via which news is disseminated, in addition to the physical newsletter, as this might help facilitate quicker correspondence with residents. LS noted that Newington had been compiling a mailing list at the pre-application stage, which PB confirmed was the case. However, in accordance with GDPR, those residents would need to opt-in to any new mailing list relating to the construction phase. PB agreed to look into this further.
7.3 BP thanked everyone for attending and confirmed that the minutes of the current meeting, along with the Terms of Reference, would be circulated to members in due course.

02 Dec | Construction Steering Group
Construction Steering Group

03 Feb | Construction Steering Group
Hornsey Town Hall Construction Steering Group 15th Jan 2020

26 Feb | Construction Steering Group
Hornsey Town Hall Construction Steering Group February 2020
Interest Today Register
The Marketing Suite for Hornsey Town Hall is open Monday to Thursday 10am – 5pm and Saturday 10am – 4pm. Virtual viewings are also available. To arrange an appointment, please call Patrizia on 07972 000253.
- A development by
Sales Agent
Call: 0208 341 4664
FEC House, 40 Furnival Street, London, EC4A 1JQ, England (a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 10448866). Computer-generated images (CGIs) are indicative only and should not be relied upon as depicting the final as built development or apartment.